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Dodgeball Tournament Finals

By: Ehan Haque

It was another exciting year of dodgeball at EMS this year! This was the fifth year of the dodgeball tournament and the finals took place on March 28th, 2019.

Each year, 80 - 90 kids from all grades participate in this event. This tournament is a favorite indoors among the EMS students and is organized by the SLC (Student Leadership Council) during the 7-week time span within the December break to the February winter break. Playoffs include every team, and at the end, a grand championship game between the final two teams. The finals usually take place on the Friday before the February break, but this year, due to scheduling, the game was postponed to March 28th.

Of the six teams that participated this year, the final two, “Peeked_YT” and “The Lemurs” faced off in a single game in the morning. Throughout the game, the number of people on both sides had dwindled. In the end, the game went to a 3v3 sudden death round. The people on each team played hard, but a player in the Lemurs attempted to catch a ball but failed, and Peeked_YT had won the game and the crowd went wild.

A member from the Lemurs stated that even though they lost the final game, they still had fun and is looking forward to next year’s tournament. A memorable moment from the game is a member of Peeked_YT had just got in and was immediately was shot and was sent back to the side.

The winning team holding the "ugly orange trophy"

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